Client Name
Art Director & Designer
Completed at OMFGCO
Launched in 2018
Concept, Identity, Collateral, and Packaging
Lively Liquid Masterpieces
Having perfected the art of making and bottling bar-quality cocktails, Straightaway tasked us with concepting, naming, and branding their starting lineup of five drinks. Leading the project, I looked to cocktail history and lore as inspiration. Working with my team, we created a brand that features plenty of story-telling via the visuals and copywriting. The label shapes are inspired by vintage luggage stickers, and each spotlights an illustration depicting that cocktail’s narrative. A vibrant and good-humored quality permeates the brand, as these cocktails are meant to be enjoyed in convivial company.

CD: Fritz Mesenbrink
Strategy, Voice, and Design Support: Elizabeth Brown
Illustrations: Orion Janeczek
Producer: Andrew Ward